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歡迎 Welcome

Welcome to the UK and to St Matthew's Church, Bristol!

St Matthew’s is a warm, vibrant and welcoming church family, who love Jesus, long to follow in His footsteps and to serve others. If you are new to Bristol and from Hong Kong, we would love to welcome, support and encourage you.



What’s on for you:


Tuesday English Conversation Class:

(every Tuesday, except school term holidays): 1pm to 2pm. Through conversation, activities and games, improve your English conversation skills and meet new friends. We welcome people with different levels of English and chat with English speaking friends.


(逢星期二,除學校學期休假外):下午 1 點到 2 點。透過會話、活動及遊‍戲,提升你的英語會話能⼒,並能結‍識新朋友,歡迎不同英語程度人‍士,與以英語為⺟語的朋友交談。

Friday St. Matthew's Life Group:

(every Friday, except school term holidays): 12.30pm to 2.30pm. With a snack lunch provided, meet friends from Hong Kong and other places and learn about British life and culture together. The meeting is bilingual in English and Cantonese.


(逢星期五,除學校學期休假外):下午 12 點半⾄ 2 點 半 分。提供簡‍單午‍餐⼩‍吃,與來⾃香港及其他地方的朋‍友相‍聚,並一起了解英國的⽣活與文‍化。聚‍會以英語和粵語雙語並用。

St Matthew's Life Group YouTube Channel


We meet at 10.30am for worship, bible teaching and prayer. We start all together and then children go to their own group. We enjoy a great time getting to know each other over tea and coffee afterwards. St Matthew’s also runs a youth group for older children.

We would love to connect with you to support, help and encourage you with your life in the UK. Please leave your information here, and one of the St Matthew’s team will be in touch with you to say hello.


上午 10 30 分開始,有敬拜、聖‍經教‍導和禱‍告。我們會與孩子⼀起敬拜,之‍後兒‍童可以去上主日學。崇拜之後,教‍會預‍備茶點招待,誠邀你留步與我‍們一‍起分‍享。教會還開設了青少年團契,歡‍迎參‍加。
